From: Howard Teitelbaum <>
Subject: RESULTS and ANSWER KEY for Golden Oldies Lyrics Quiz 456 (GOLQ456)
Sender: GOLQ Mailing List <>
Date: Sun,  2 Feb 2025 19:33:52 -0500 (EST)

RESULTS & ANSWER KEY for Golden Oldies Lyrics Quiz #456 (GOLQ456)

Congratulations to The EJ'S & Co., Tri-State Trivia, and Village Idiots, who
finished in a 3-way tie for first place with perfect scores!  Just behind them
was Barry Silk, who missed only one tie-breaker.

The solution to Bob's Puzzler is at the end.  A star before the entrant's ID
in the table below honors those who solved it:
  The EJ'S & Co.
  Barry Silk

Sadly, my intended list of 12 "in memoriam" songs was joined by a 13th during
the running of the quiz, with the passing of Peter Yarrow of PP&M.

As always, thanks to everyone who entered.

The February 2025 quiz (GOLQ #457) by Regina will be posted soon.

                        -- Howard Teitelbaum

After each score below are two characters representing the two tie-breakers:
    +  indicates a tie-breaker answered correctly.
    -  indicates partial credit.
    x  indicates a totally incorrect guess.
    .  indicates no guess.

(For anti-spamming purposes, all occurrences of "@" in e-mail addresses have
been replaced with "&".)

Rank Score *ID  Name <E-mail address>                               #  Age(s)
T01  500++ *EJ The EJ'S & Co.: Ellis, Kevin, Mitch, Everett         4  65+
T01  500++  TS Tri-State Trivia                                     7  --
                (Hattie Winterfeld <hatcats&>,
                Mike Pell <mikepell321&>,
                Mike Gessner <mmgessner&>,
                Dino Dinardo <djdinardo&>,
                John Slover <giantk1ng&>,
                John Lictro <jdloldies&>,
                Frank Glaz <lowtekman5&>)
T01  500++  VI Village Idiots (Doug, Andrew, Andy)                  3  --
 04  500.+ *BS Barry Silk <bcs00&>                       1  70+
 05  460++  MW Mike Weaver <oldtunes&>                 1  --
 06  440.+  RR Really Rockin' In Boston <rardini2&>       6  70s
 07  440..  WM Will McCorry <wmccorry&>                 1  67
 08  400+.  TP Tom Pillion <tompillion&>                 1  78
 09  300..  CO The Coasters (Rick & Kathy Schubert, Magic Marc,     5  72, 75,
                Bigfoot Mae, Regina Litman) <rns&>           72, -, 72
Rank Score *ID  Name <E-mail address>                               #  Age(s)

The following table gives the individual scoring breakdown:
  #01-#25                  #T1-#T2
     .       no answer        .
     0    incorrect answer    x
   1-19    partial credit     -
    20      full credit       +

   Song#                                                                      TT
ID 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 12
EJ 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ++
TS 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ++
VI 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ++
BS 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 .+
MW 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  . 20  . ++
RR 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  . 20 20 20  . 20 20 20 20  . .+
WM 20 20  . 20 20 20 20 20 20  . 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  . 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ..
TP  .  . 20 20  . 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  . 20  . 20 20 20 +.
CO 20  .  . 20 20 20 20 20  . 20 20 20 20 20 20  . 20  . 20  . 20  .  .  .  . ..
ID 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 12
   Song#                                                                      TT


Answers are in the form:

    #number) Artist: "Title" (chart year) [peak Pop] {peak R&B} <xxx>...<yyy>

    "peak Pop" = Peak position achieved on the weekly Billboard Pop chart.
    "peak R&B" = Peak position on the weekly Billboard Rhythm & Blues chart.
        (Billboard didn't publish an R&B chart between 11/30/63 and 1/23/65,
        so recordings in that interval show peak R&B of {n/c} ("no chart").)
    "xxx",...,"yyy" = prior GOLQ(s) in which the song appeared, if any.

And only you can make those dreams come true
Share a pair of lips with me
And I will be
Your very very own
#01) Alaimo, Steve: "Gotta Lotta Love" (1963) [74] {-} <->

    Died 11/30/24 at 84.  In addition to his recording career, he also hosted
    "Where the Action Is", and produced artists such as Sam & Dave.

I was thoughtless
Heaven knows, I acted badly
But the love that once I gave to you so gladly
#02) Bennett, Tony: "Can You Find It In Your Heart" (1956) [16] {-} <364>

Friday after school
I pick my baby up
We dance and party 'til Sunday night
That's the only time I get to hold my baby tight
#03) Bonds, Gary (U.S.): "Seven Day Weekend" (1962) [27] {-} <80><285>

Oh no, it can't be teardrops
For a man ain't supposed to cry
#04) Clark, Dee: "Raindrops" (1961) [2] {3} <22><120><355>

He took my misery
No more heartache will I be gettin' from you
#05) Darren, James: "Pin A Medal On Joey" (1963) [54] {-} <->

    Died 9/2/24 at 88.

Lord, 'cause they hurt my toes so bad
Just wear your spats and calfskin shoes
#06) DeSanto, Sugar Pie: "Slip-In Mules (No High Heel Sneakers)"
      (1964) [48] {n/c} <296>

    Died 12/20/24 at 89.

Peg Leg Joe threw his crutches away
#07) Domino, Fats: "The Big Beat" (1957/58) [26] {15} <296>

Wednesday just don't go
Thursday goes too slow
#08) Easybeats, The: "Friday On My Mind" (1967) [16] {-} <6><122><294><384>

    The group's bassist, Dick Diamonde, died 9/18/24 at 76.  In addition, their
    producer, Shel Talmy (who also produced '60s tracks by The Who, The Kinks,
    etc.), died 11/13/24 at 87.

Every evening when all my day's work is through
I call my baby and ask her what should we do
I mention movies, but she don't seem to dig that
And then she asks me why don't I come to her flat
And have some supper and let the evening pass by
By diggin' records besides a groovy hi-fi
#09) Fame, Georgie, and The Blue Flames: "Yeh, Yeh"
      (1965) [21] {-} <29><89><158><225><378> (Mongo Santamaria, 1963, LP) (Mongo Santamaria, 1963, single) (LH&B, live at Newport, 1963) (Georgie Fame, full version) (Georgie Fame, U.S. single edit)

    Original tune (as "Yeh-Yeh!") was written by Rodgers Grant (piano) and
    Pat Patrick (sax) of Mongo Santamaria's band (1st link).  The single edit
    (2nd link) is a minute shorter and also overdubs an unfortunate (albeit
    enthusiastic) vocal.

    Jazz vocalist Jon Hendricks then wrote lyrics to the song.  3rd link is the
    rendition by his group, Lambert, Hendricks and Bavan (Yolande Bavan had
    replaced Annie Ross by this time), live at the 1963 Newport Jazz Festival.

    Georgie Fame's version (4th link) has a sax solo from 1:30 to 1:50, which
    got axed for the U.S. single release (5th link).

But if I tell one, I've gotta tell two
I've gotta keep a secret
If I wanna keep you
#10) Gilmer, Jimmy, and The Fireballs: "Ain't Gonna Tell Anybody"
      (1964) [53] {n/c} <-> (live version, 2019)

    Jimmy Gilmer died 9/7/24 at 83.  Link above is a live rendition from 2019,
    featuring Gilmer and the group's original lead guitarist George Tomsco.

I know it's me they're talkin' about
I bet they all think I'll never find out
#11) Gore, Lesley: "Maybe I Know" (1964) [14] {n/c} <5><104><285>

    Produced by Quincy Jones, who died 11/3/24 at 91.

If you practice my method
Just as hard as you can
You're gonna get a reputation
As a lovin' man, now
#12) Head, Roy, and The Traits: "Treat Her Right" (1965) [2] {2} <28><199><360>

People must prove to the people
A better day is coming
For you and for me
With just a little bit more education
And love for our nation
We'd make a better society
#13) Impressions, The: "Choice Of Colors" (1969) [21] {1} <84><341>

Why waste all your loveliness on someone if he really doesn't care?
Let me take you in my arms
And let me love you tenderly
#14) Jones, Jack: "Lady" (1967) [39] {-} <273>

    Died 10/23/24 at 86.

I never did too much to make her stay here
Words of love to her I'd never say
I guess I learned a lesson when she walked out to stay
#15) Lewis, Gary, and The Playboys: "Sure Gonna Miss Her"
      (1966) [9] {-} <3><137><334> (earlier version, no horns) (hit single version)

    The first recording in Aug. 1965 (1st link) was shelved.  A new version was
    cut in Oct. 1965 with added horns; this was the hit single (2nd link) when
    released in early '66.  In their May '66 "Hits Again!" album, the mono LP
    contains the hit version, whereas the stereo LP mysteriously has the
    earlier (hornless) version.

More than any time before
This heart of mine
Seems to need you so much more
#16) Mello-Kings, The: "Tonite, Tonite" (1957,1961) [77,95] {-,-} <18><133><223>

    Group member Neil Arena died 11/26/24 at 83.  Tom P. mentioned that the
    group's 1960 LP uses the "Tonight" spelling instead (both in the album title
    and in the song listing on the label & cover).

'Cause I hope and pray the day will come
When you belong to me
Then I'm gonna prove to you how true my love can be
#17) Nelson, Ricky: "Never Be Anyone Else But You"
      (1959) [6] {-} <47><172><313><384>

I went up the levee to pack some sacks
And I thought I'd bring me some money back
#18) Peter, Paul & Mary: "Big Boat" (1962) [93] {-} <->

    Peter Yarrow died 1/7/25 at 86.

Rain falling from the sky
Bluebirds, they don't fly
The stars, they're not so bright
The moon stays in at night
#19) Reparata and The Delrons: "Whenever A Teenager Cries"
      (1965) [60] {-} <59><244>

    Group's lead singer, Mary Aiese, died 11/30/24 at 76.  Her stage name was
    her confirmation name, which she selected "from the choir mistress at the
    Good Shepherd elementary school - Sister Mary Reparata, my favorite nun."

    Ernie Maresca's composer credit is typo'd on the label as "Maresica".

Baby, baby, every day
I make my mind up that I'll run away
But I find love is blind
One kiss and I change my mind
#20) Sharp, Dee Dee: "Wild!" (1963) [33] {25} <145>

And I'll be dancin' on a pony keg
They'll lead you 'round that town like a scalded hound
With your tail tucked 'tween your legs
#21) Sinatra, Nancy, & Lee Hazlewood: "Jackson"
      (1967) [14] {-} <69><126><231><324> (Wheeler, 1963) (Johnny/June, 1967) (Nancy/Lee, 1967)

    Written in 1963 by Billy Edd Wheeler, who died 9/16/24 at 91.  Co-written
    by Jerry Leiber (actually more of a lyric editing role, per Wheeler), who
    used his then-wife Gaby Rodgers' name as a pseudonym for his writing credit.

    Several versions were recorded in '63, including The Kingston Trio and
    Wheeler himself (1st link).  Joan Sommer is the uncredited female voice
    on Wheeler's recording (not to be confused with Joanie Sommers of "Johnny
    Get Angry" fame), and she sings the verse given here.  She also released
    solo recordings as Joan Toliver.

    Johnny Cash & June Carter's version (2nd link) was a #2 Country hit, and was
    soon followed by Nancy & Lee's pop hit version (3rd link).

To the right (to the right), all together
To the left (to the left), it gets better
Shake it up (shake it up), and now I'm lookin'
Shake it 'round (shake it 'round), but keep it cookin'
#22) Thunder, Johnny: "Everybody Do The Sloopy" (1965) [67] {-} <->

    Died 9/6/24 at 93.  Born Leroy Hamilton, he later changed his first name to
    Gilbert, and released a number of uncharted singles as Gil Hamilton.  In
    the early '60s he started using the stage name of Johnny Thunder.

Well, you really shake my mind up with your cheating and your lies
'Til at last I make my mind up and I turn to say goodbye, say goodbye
#23) Tremeloes, The: "Suddenly You Love Me" (1968) [44] {-} <108><308>

Ours was a love song that seemed constant as the moon
Ending in a strange mournful tune
#24) Valente, Caterina: "The Breeze And I (Andalucia)" (1955) [8] {-} <254><387>

    Died 9/9/24 at 93.

She's so heavenly
When she smiles at you
And she helps you build
#25) Wonder, Little Stevie: "Castles In The Sand" (1964) [52] {n/c} <137>

    This was the last single released under the "Little Stevie" moniker.


For all my plea
There's been no answer, though my heart says "please"
On what you do, my life depends
And with your answer, love starts or ends
#T1) Fascinators, The: "Oh Rose Marie" (1959) [-] {-} <->

Colder than the Northern pole
Creepin' down into my soul, yeah
'Til I lose my self-control
#T2) Orlando, Tony: "Chills" (1962) [109] {-} <-> (Orlando, 1962) (Gerry & Pacemakers, 1963)

    Gerry & The Pacemakers' version was a 1963 LP track in the U.K., and then
    appeared in their 1965 U.S. "Greatest Hits" LP.  Gerry sings the first line
    as "Colder than the morning glow," which doesn't make much sense to me.
    Either artist got full credit.


The following table ranks the songs from most recognized to least recognized.
The first column indicates the average number of points scored on that song
(total points divided by number of entrants).  For comparison purposes,
tie-breakers are scored here on the usual 20-point scale.

Avg.   Song
20.00  #04) Clark, Dee: "Raindrops" (1961) [2] {3}
20.00  #06) DeSanto, Sugar Pie: "Slip-In Mules (No High Heel Sneakers)" (1964)
20.00  #07) Domino, Fats: "The Big Beat" (1957/58) [26] {15}
20.00  #08) Easybeats, The: "Friday On My Mind" (1967) [16] {-}
20.00  #11) Gore, Lesley: "Maybe I Know" (1964) [14] {n/c}
20.00  #12) Head, Roy, and The Traits: "Treat Her Right" (1965) [2] {2}
20.00  #13) Impressions, The: "Choice Of Colors" (1969) [21] {1}
20.00  #14) Jones, Jack: "Lady" (1967) [39] {-}
20.00  #15) Lewis, Gary, and The Playboys: "Sure Gonna Miss Her" (1966) [9] {-}
20.00  #17) Nelson, Ricky: "Never Be Anyone Else But You" (1959) [6] {-}
20.00  #19) Reparata and The Delrons: "Whenever A Teenager Cries" (1965) [60]
20.00  #21) Sinatra, Nancy, & Lee Hazlewood: "Jackson" (1967) [14] {-}
17.78  #01) Alaimo, Steve: "Gotta Lotta Love" (1963) [74] {-}
17.78  #05) Darren, James: "Pin A Medal On Joey" (1963) [54] {-}
17.78  #09) Fame, Georgie, and The Blue Flames: "Yeh, Yeh" (1965) [21] {-}
17.78  #10) Gilmer, Jimmy, and The Fireballs: "Ain't Gonna Tell Anybody" (1964)
17.78  #24) Valente, Caterina: "The Breeze And I (Andalucia)" (1955) [8] {-}
15.56  #02) Bennett, Tony: "Can You Find It In Your Heart" (1956) [16] {-}
15.56  #03) Bonds, Gary (U.S.): "Seven Day Weekend" (1962) [27] {-}
15.56  #16) Mello-Kings, The: "Tonite, Tonite" (1957,1961) [77,95] {-,-}
15.56  #18) Peter, Paul & Mary: "Big Boat" (1962) [93] {-}
15.56  #22) Thunder, Johnny: "Everybody Do The Sloopy" (1965) [67] {-}
15.56  #23) Tremeloes, The: "Suddenly You Love Me" (1968) [44] {-}
13.33  #20) Sharp, Dee Dee: "Wild!" (1963) [33] {25}
13.33  #25) Wonder, Little Stevie: "Castles In The Sand" (1964) [52] {n/c}
13.33  #T2) Orlando, Tony: "Chills" (1962) [109] {-}
11.11  #T1) Fascinators, The: "Oh Rose Marie" (1959) [-] {-}



Congratulations to all those who solved this Puzzler!

The clue answers - Song (artist,peak pop position,release year):

A) Happy Together (The Turtles,#1,'67)
B) I Got You Babe (Sonny & Cher,#1,'65)
C) Words Of Love (The Mamas & The Papas,#5,'66)
D) It Was A Very Good Year (Frank Sinatra,#28,'65)
E) Misty (Johnny Mathis,#12,'59)
F) Sweet Talkin' Guy (The Chiffons,#10,'66)
G) Don't Let The Sun Catch You Crying (Gerry and the Pacemakers,#4,'64)
H) Abraham, Martin And John (Dion,#4,'68)
I) Smile A Little Smile For Me (The Flying Machine,#5,'69)
J) Dandelion (The Rolling Stones,#14,'67)
K) Pretty Ballerina (The Left Banke,#15,'67)
L) Traces (Classics IV featuring Dennis Yost,#2,'69)
M) Jennifer Juniper (Donovan,#26,'68)
N) My Whole World Ended (The Moment You Left Me) (David Ruffin,#9,'69)
O) I Don't Want To See You Again (Peter and Gordon,#16,'64)
P) Over You (Gary Puckett and the Union Gap,#7,'68)

The title of the CD, revealed by shading in certain squares of the grid
as per the instructions: THE OBOE. Each of the CD's 16 singles features an
oboe playing, whether as a solo intro, interlude, or outro, or a just few
seconds of background instrumentation. (Note that an oboe is heard on the
RCA Victor 45-9740 release of The Mamas & The Papas' "Words Of Love", not
on the Dunhill 4057 45.)

One column of the solved Clue Answers section spells out MITCH MILLER.
What does this have to do with the oboe, you ask? Miller might just be
the most influential and famous professional oboist ever ...

He began his career as a classically trained and highly respected musician,
playing with the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra and later the CBS
Symphony Orchestra. He even played oboe on the album "Charlie Parker With
Strings". But his lasting fame is as a producer, arranger, conductor, music
industry executive, and host of the popular '61-'64 television show "Sing
Along With Mitch", making him one of the busiest and most influential
people in American popular music during the '50s and '60s. The #1 single
"The Yellow Rose Of Texas" was just one of Mitch Miller and His Orchestra's
more than a dozen charting pop singles. His "Sing Along With Mitch" albums
generated millions of dollars for Columbia Records, of whose pop division
he was A&R (artists and repertoire) head. In that capacity he either signed
or produced Johnny Mathis, Tony Bennett, Patti Page, Johnny Cash, Aretha
Franklin, and many others.

However, despite his denunciation of rock 'n' roll, the genre was here to
stay, and with the British Invasion in particular, it was obvious by '65
that Miller's time as a key figure in American popular music had passed.
Nevertheless, he still remained active via television specials and personal
appearances, such as occasionally filling in as guest conductor of the
Boston Pops. In 2000, Miller received the Grammy Lifetime Achievement

So of all professional oboists ever, Miller might just be the most
influential and famous ... just not for playing the oboe!

Hope you had fun!


Howard Teitelbaum <>